Monday 24 October 2011

Prophet Mohammad (SM) And His Life In Mecca

The people at that time in the desert land in the dark Arabia had kept faith upon him in order to lead the youth in a peaceful manner. The object of such promise was to help mankind by way of religion and leading them to control. The social people loved him and got acquaintance of 'Al-Amin' which means trustworthy. That is to say, the people of Mecca at that time had scarcity of faith among themselves, so they had developed faith with Mohammad having seen the activities of Mohammad based on spiritualistic behaviour linked with Allah directly, specifically when they kept their goods preserved to Mohammad, took it under his control and returned it at the response of them. Thus, the people of Mecca used to get acquaintance of great heart and thus a faith among them had been developed by degrees.
At that time, the people of Mecca were filled with distrust, ignorance and they were involved in various prejudices and believed in a variety of gods and goddess, meaning that they used to worship idols. In the year 595, he took part in trading with Khadija and within a short span of time, she earned lots of profit in her business, she got the identity of a true heart like Mohammad(SM). She was a wealthy lady at that time and by way of achieving the identity of a great personality like Mohammad (SM), she proposed to him for marriage. He told her that he would marry her under one condition- she had to bestow her wealth and fortune for the sake of Islam on the promise to live like the poor, the way he himself lives . Khadeja, having heard such proposal agreed to such condition and they got married. At that time, his age was 25, and she was 40.
After their marriage, an epidemic was taken place in the country that time. Mohammad(SM) had distributed all the resources he had possessed from Khadeja in order to remove the adversity of the people. At that time, the thought of sacrifice for the good of the people were intensified and he was influenced for devotion towards almighty Allah day by day. Apart from Mecca three miles away, in the cave of Hera, he was absorbed in deep meditation of almighty Allah. Such process of supplication continued for forty years. One day, during his meditation, the angel Jibrail (AM) came unto him and said," Oh! Mohammad, you are the rusul of Allah, you have been sent by Allah". And thereafter, a message of Allah came, "Read in the name of your lord, from this day onward, in the cave of Here, Mohammad (SM) used to receive messages from Allah through massager, Jibrail (AM), he got accurately and complete message of the holy Quran, with his unquestionable, the ultimate and the complete code of life. In order to convey the message of peace and solidarity, he had struggled through out his life. The non-Muslim troubled in many ways, they threw stones at him, spat at him, beat him and cursed him. He was tormented in various ways, he would tolerate all the misdeeds of the people, his sole message was," Those people who have unknowingly behaved with me in such a manner, I pray for them to Allah for salvation and forgiveness. The holy Quran has come down to this world with full codes, ethics and directions of Allah. Muhammad (SM) had achieved such messages from Allah directly and it is a recognizing phenomenon that the holy Quaran is completely bedded on super human creation.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Why Islamic Books on Seerat-un-Nabi (SAW) Play a Vital Part in a Muslim's Life

Seerat-un-Nabi (SAW) refers to the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Knowledge about this topic is a fundamental and vital part of a Muslim's faith and due to this very fact numerous scholars have written Islamic books pertaining to this subject. These books are available in a variety of languages across the globe, but with the majority being published in English or Arabic. In addition, a large number of books on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are also written in Urdu. The more commonly available Seerat Islamic books in Urdu are written by well renowned scholars including Mufti Taqi Usmani, Allama Shibhli Noumani, Allama Abdul Mustafa Aazmi and Moulana Safi ur Rehman.
Seerat un Nabi is a topic that has oceans of information available about, as it relates to the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) including the time from his birth to his death. It elaborates on the time period when the religion Islam spread based on the temperament and exemplary behavior of the prophet. A large number of these Islamic books also narrate the different relationships of Muhammad (SAW) with his companions, followers and relatives and in turn helps the followers of Islam to lead their lives accordingly.
Islamic books on the seerat of the prophet also have another common topic of discussion. They recount the incidents and events of the Prophet's life divided into the two segments; his life in Mecca and life in Medina after leaving his birth town. Migration of Muhammad (SAW) and his companions was an extremely important part of his life and it also marked a significant milestone in the spread of Islam.
The battles fought by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions against the non believers also receive prominent illustration in seerat un nabi Islamic books, as they also symbolize changes and advancements in the spread of the religion. In addition, information about these battles help present day Muslims understand the adversity, hardships and sufferings faced by the holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his family, friends and followers.
These Islamic books not only provide Muslims with the opportunity of learning in depth about the complete life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), but can also prove to be a treasure of information for the Non Muslims interested in expanding their knowledge about the beacon of the religion Islam. These books also assist many to learn and follow in his footsteps in order to become more devoted and better Muslims.

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Monday 3 October 2011

Miracles of the Holly Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

A number of miracles were presented and performed by the Holly Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the proof of his prophet hood. The greatest miracle was Holly Quran. A great book for guides of humanity and number of aspects. Starting in the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
History shows that Allah Subhan Tallah Send his messenger for guiding the people to every nation of world. Those messenger forward the message of Allah Subhan Tallah and educate them. For this purpose some times they used miracles by the permission and power of Allah Subhan Tallah. For example,

  • Moses contemporaries was a great magician. He defeat the great magicians of Egypt of his days.

  • Jesus contemporaries was a great physicians. His great miracle was raise the dead and cure the incurable disease.

  • The Arab great leader Prophet Muhammad was known their eloquence and the magnificent poetry. So the Arab leader Prophet Muhammad major miracle was the Holly Quran. A great Books, describing the right path for their peoples and defeat the Arab poets and orator of his days.

  • As the miracles of Holly Prophet concern, the Quran is a live miracle. All the previous miracles before the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were limited in time and place and for specific people. But the Prophet miracle Quran is a universal and everlasting miracle. Previous religions witnessed it and future generation will need to accept it for their success life after death.
    Besides this great miracles of the Quran the Prophet of Islam had performed may other physical miracles for proof his prophet hood. These are narrated below.
  • Splitting of the Moon

  • Food Multiplication

  • Water Multiplication

  • Crying of the stem of the Date-palm Tree

  • Supplication for Rain

  • Lights to guide Companions

  • Glorification of Allah by the Prophet's meals

  • The explusion of a liar's corpse by the Earth

  • The Speech of the Wolf

  • The Prophet's Night Journey to Jerusalem and Ascent to the Heavens

  • (1) Splitting of Moon
    Almighty Allah says, (The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder.) (An-Najm 53:1)
    According to Imam al-Bukharireported on the authority of `Abdullah who said,
    The moon was cleft and asunder while we are in the company of Prophet, it became two parts when the Prophet said, Witness, witness (this miracle).
    (2) Food Multiplication
    According to Jabir. My father had died in debit and I was too my poor man. I could not pay my father debt. So I came to Holly Prophet and said, My late fatherleaving unpaid debts. And I have nothing expect the yield of his date palms; and their surrender for many years will not cover his debts.;Then the Holly Prophet went round one of the heaps of dates and invoked(Allah), and then he did the same with an other heap and sat on it and said, Measure (for them).
    (3)Water Multiplication:
    Reported by al-Bukhari,According to Abdullah reported: Once we were with The Holy Prophet (PBUH) on a journey, and we have found short of water. He said, Bring the water remaining with you; The people brought a utensil containing a little water. The Holy Prophet Place his hand in it and said Come to bless water and the Blessing is from Allah. I saw the water flowing from among the finger of Holy Prophet and no doubt, we heard the meal glorifying Allah, when it was being eaten (by him)
    (4) Crying of the stem of the Date-palm Tree:
    Reported by al-Bukhari According to IbnUmer. The Holy Prophet used to deliver his sermons while standing beside a trunk of a date-palm. When he had the pulpit made, he used it instead. The trunk start crying and The Holy Prophet went to it, rubbing his hand over hit.
    (5) The Holly Prophet;s Night Journey to Jerusalem and Ascent to Heavens:
    Almighty Allah says in Surate al-Isra, (The And We granted the vision (Ascension to the heavens) which We made you see (as an actual eye witness was only made as a trial for the people.) (Al-Isra' 17:60)
    Ibn 'Abbas added: The sights which Holly Prophet was shown on the Night Journey when he was taken to Bayt-ul-Maqdis (i.e. Jerusalem) were actual sights, (not dreams). And the Cursed Tree (mentioned) in the Qur'an is the tree of Zaqqum (itself). (Reported by al-Bukhari)

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